
The importance of using modern technology to better support the students through online education and improve their confidence 

 April 16, 2022

 One of the major issues that are faced by students when it comes to their education system is a lack of proper technical support which causes difficulties for them when using technical devices. However, with the start of the online education system, major changes made in educational Industries with the use of modern technology is to further raise the level of efficiency and knowledge for the students as well as for the Teachers.


The use of modern technology was the use of artificial intelligence, virtual learning and augmented learning along with several other Technologies that enhances the knowledge of the students and also raises the interest towards the subjects. It is important to understand that there are a lot of advantages when modern technologies are implemented in educational institutions. One of the best examples that can be outlined in the case is the school management software that provides better support to school Institutions when it comes to the effective management of students data and analyzing their performance in the classrooms. Besides the use of this technology there is also the use of enterprise Resource Planning and the learning Management System software.

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Through the use of the school LMS the teachers are provided with better support when it comes to learning about modern teaching methods that can be implemented in the classroom to provide better support to the students. It has features like attendance management system It also has the teachers in the development of an interactive environment that fosters creativity and learning and provides better engagement to the students. With the use of modern technology it also becomes easier for the students to raise their levels of proficiency and become more efficient.


The future is considered to be a technology and therefore it is important that students work towards effectively increasing their knowledge so that they can raise the chances for better employability options in the future. There are many opportunities available for the students today through the use of online education to learn more about different educational concepts as well as enhance their level of skills. this and the increase in knowledge of the concept of artificial intelligence, having knowledge about current affairs and economic factors, learning more about the stock markets and so on.

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These interests not only provide incentive to the students to learn more but also raises the interest and helps in developing career goals. Moreover, through the use of modern technology, it also becomes possible for students to learn about technical skills such as graphic designing, Big Data Analytics, coding and decoding, the development of apps and so on. These are skills that enhance the level of effectiveness and provide better support to the generation of creativity and innovation.


It is because of all these factors that students are provided with an opportunity to learn more and exposed to more knowledge that is prevalent in the world. Each of the suspects are easily achievable by the students by making use of the online learning method. The use of modern technology is especially important in the case of emerging economies, as it provides The students with an opportunity to learn about this technology free of cost and enhance their skill levels.

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Benefits of using modern technology in education in emerging economies

It is important to understand that one of the major challenges that are faced by emerging economies is the lack of proper infrastructure and education that makes it difficult to provide equal opportunities to all the students. the following section will outline the several benefits that are present when it comes to the implementation of modern technology in emerging economies.

  • One of the first advantages that it provides is that it worked towards the increasing of communication and collaboration between both the teachers and the students that why developing an interactive classroom
  • it raises curiosity among the students by providing them with necessary knowledge about different kinds of educational concepts and encouraging them to learn more
  • it helps in increasing the productivity of the teachers as well as students by delivering lesson plans that are interactive
  • It promotes open communication along with fostering Innovation and creativity within the classroom.
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