
Osteomyelitis in Pets: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment 

 July 27, 2022

Several dogs and cats undergoing fracture repairs or bone replacement face osteomyelitis yearly. According to data, around 31% of dogs and 7% of cats undergoing bone procedures suffer from osteomyelitis. This article will go through the symptoms, causes, treatment, and everything else about osteomyelitis.

What Is Osteomyelitis?

Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone that can be caused by a variety of bacteria, fungi, or viruses. The infection can also result from trauma to the body and even cancer. The infection may affect the entire bone or just a part of it.

Osteomyelitis most commonly affects the legs or paws but can occur in any bone in your pet’s body. Osteomyelitis usually occurs after an injury to the infected area because bacteria enter through open wounds that allow entry into the bloodstream.

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Once inside, these bacteria can spread throughout your pet’s body and infect any tissue they encounter along their travels. In some cases, osteomyelitis is caused by poor blood supply due to vascular insufficiency at birth or aging changes within your pet’s bones.

Infection with certain types of bacteria, such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus sp., Salmonella sp., Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae, Clostridium perfringens group A beta-hemolytic, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, and Listeria monocytogenes are among those which cause this disease in pets, but infection with Borrelia burgdorferi –which causes Lyme disease–can also lead to osteomyelitis in dogs if not treated sufficiently early enough after exposure.

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While there are many causes of osteomyelitis, bacteria is the most common reason. If that’s the case, your vet will prescribe a strong antibiotic that works against gram-negative bacteria. An antibiotic like Cephalexin works best for dogs and cats. It belongs to the cephalosporins family and can treat several bacterial infections, including osteomyelitis. Following bacteria, viruses and fungi are the next common causes of this problem.

Can Osteomyelitis Strike Any Bone?

Yes! Osteomyelitis can strike any bone, but it most commonly affects the lower leg. The femur (thighbone), tibia (shinbone), and fibula are the most common bones that develop osteomyelitis in dogs. Other potential sites include the humerus (upper arm) and ulna (forearm). However, in rare cases, osteomyelitis can also occur in the vertebral region, leading to fatal conditions like meningitis.

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How Can I Tell if My Pet has Osteomyelitis?

The signs of osteomyelitis in dogs and cats include:

  • If your pet is in pain, he or she may not want to move as much.
  • Pain when you touch the affected area. Your dog or cat may whine or growl when you touch his/her leg or another part of the body where the infection is located. You may also see him/her try to move away from you when you try to touch the affected area.
  • Lethargy, fever, and loss of appetite are symptoms that warrant further investigation by a veterinarian because these could indicate an underlying health issue other than just an infection such as osteomyelitis. However, suppose they occur alongside swelling around an infected area on your pet’s leg. In that case, it is likely due to inflammation caused by osteomyelitis rather than any other cause like cancerous cells present within the tissue (which would be unlikely since cancer doesn’t usually spread so quickly).
  • Wounds with pus or blood. During osteomyelitis, the wounds near the affected area will be filled with pus or blood and cause severe pain to your pet.
  • Your pet will also seem depressed and lose appetite.
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Are Some Pets More Likely to Get Osteomyelitis Than Others?

Pets with a weak immune system are more likely to get osteomyelitis. Some of the illnesses that weaken the immune system include:

  • Feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
  • Chlamydia psittaci infection is caused by a bacteria called chlamydia that can be spread from bird to cat and vice versa

Pets with chronic illnesses may be at risk for osteomyelitis. These pets may have weakened bones because they cannot heal properly due to illness. Chronic diseases in cats include feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, and urinary tract infections. Dogs can get multiple sclerosis or other neurological conditions that cause problems with walking or coordination, which could lead them to break bones easily while playing outside.

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Osteomyelitis also occurs after surgery on the limb where it develops because there is no longer any bone covering the site where bone grafts were used during surgery; this makes it easier for bacteria to grow within your pet’s body when postoperative antibiotics aren’t given regularly during recovery time following these procedures!

How Do Vets Diagnose This Condition?

Your veterinarian will perform various tests to determine if your pet has osteomyelitis. Some of these tests include:

  • Blood tests
  • X-rays
  • MRI or CT scans (see below for descriptions)
  • Biopsy — where a small sample of the infected bone is removed for microscopic analysis by a pathologist specializing in diagnosing and treating diseases affecting the bones, joints, tendons, muscles, nerves, and skin. The pathologist examines how healthy versus unhealthy tissue looks under a microscope and then compares this with normal tissues from other parts of your pet’s body to determine whether osteomyelitis exists.
  • Bone marrow biopsy — a small marrow sample inside one or more bones is removed and examined by an animal hospital’s veterinary pathologist. This test can help confirm osteomyelitis if bloodwork indicates high levels of inflammatory cells in circulation (usually seen during acute attacks).
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How Is Osteomyelitis Treated?

Treatment of osteomyelitis depends on the severity of your pet’s symptoms and whether they have any other health issues.

  • Antibiotics are typically used to treat osteomyelitis, but your vet may also prescribe pain medication and antibiotics for intestinal problems caused by the infection.
  • Surgery may be required if the bone is infected or if there’s evidence that your pet has been in contact with a bone infection (such as an animal bite). The underlying cause of your pet’s condition will also determine whether surgery is necessary.
  • Radiotherapy can be used after surgery to eliminate any remaining bacteria from the bone, which could cause recurring infections and further complications.
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We hope this article has helped you understand your pet’s condition and available treatment options. Remember, osteomyelitis is a severe condition that can affect any bone in the body. It can also cause other complications if not treated quickly, so it’s essential to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible if you think your pet might have it. Good luck!

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