
How to become rich in India in a week playing blackjack? 

 April 26, 2022

Blackjack has long earned recognition almost all over the world, becoming well known to both casino regulars and those who are not fond of cards. Fairly simple rules, good winning odds, and high chances of success have been attracting gamblers of absolutely different age categories for almost six centuries.

There is a variation of this game, called “Twenty-one”, but with slightly modified rules. Progress does not stand still, and yard benches, cafe tables, or cozy kitchens have been replaced by real casinos. Unfortunately, in India, due to problems with the law, they did not find ways for a legal existence, and modern technologies helped to satisfy their thirst for excitement. Every day, thousands of people learn how to play blackjack online for fun, as a hobby, and even to make money.

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Is it realistic to get a stable income doing what you love while securing a comfortable life in India, which is not able to boast of an overly rich population? Besides, you don’t need too much for this – knowledge of the rules of the game of blackjack, the right strategy, and a little bit of luck.

Where to start learning blackjack?

Finding rules on the Internet is not a problem. A beginner should learn them in practice, either free applications for the phone or a game at a small rate will help here. Excellent help is a welcome bonus from an online casino, which is not scary to lose because it will not work to withdraw it without wagering. Having spent only a couple of hours, any person will understand the not too high requirements and disciplines of the game, wishing to move on to making money.

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You should not rush, because in just a week it seems real to completely change your current financial situation, but at the same time, you need to keep a sober head. The next step should be the choice of strategy, depending on whether you plan to play with a live dealer or with a machine. The first is preferable, as the well-known card counting system will help here, significantly increasing the chances of winning. In the case of a computer opponent, it will not work, since not all machine manufacturers add a full-fledged distribution algorithm.

Tips for beginners

For beginners, when playing with a live dealer, it is highly recommended to start with a basic strategy. Developed more than half a century ago by mathematician Edward Thorpe, it has remained virtually unchanged, but at the same time, it guarantees a minimal house edge. It makes no sense to describe in detail the sequence of actions, since the system with all the tables is in the public domain and serves, if not a guarantee of victory, then a way not to lose too much in a bad scenario.

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Is it possible to become rich in India in a week just by playing blackjack? Yes, even using the most popular strategy. Naturally, a good help will be the study of related information and the ability to secure your funds on time. If all players, even beginners, are familiar with managing their wallets, then what will familiarization with thematic forums or literature give?

Knowing the base odds will increase the chance of winning. What is the probability that the dealer will receive a 10-point card if he has an ace first? The fear of such a situation forces beginners to insure their bet against blackjack, and its probability is only 4/13! Wasted money, as well as the fear of a dozen hidden in the deck, forcing you to abandon such a sometimes needed addition.

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It will not be superfluous to study the other available strategies, which will allow you to better understand what is happening at the table. It should not be forgotten that blackjack is a much more complex game that has conquered many eminent mathematicians and is much less dependent on Fortune than its competitors in popularity.

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